2011 saw the Localism Act usher in a new tier of planning, which gives greater powers to local communities to shape the future of their area, if they wish.
Known as a Neighbourhood Development Plan, neighbourhood planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision and shape the growth of their local area.
The community can choose where they want new homes, businesses, amenities and facilities to be built. They can have their say on what those new buildings should look like and what infrastructure should be provided. The Plan can also inspire local people to consider other ways to improve their neighbourhood.
What might this mean for Kilmersdon?
Kilmersdon has already drafted a Village Design Statement
The task of developing this into a Neighbourhood Plan would need people to come together with a variety of interests.
The Parish Council would like to assess whether there is a will in the community for such a Plan and any volunteers to give their time. Are you interested in taking part? If so, please contact Kilmersdon Parish Council – clerk@kilmersdonpc.co.uk or 07521 951471.